Varför finns äktenskapet?

Inför pjäsen Äktenskapet har jag bett er att skicka frågor till mig. Jag fick en fråga som jag har ställt direkt till självaste pjäsförfattaren. Varför finns äktenskapet?
William Nicholson responded:
You'll find my play is about the failure of a marriage - but beyond that I have tried to write about two people who are both well-intentioned and honourable, and yet cause each other great misery. I'm not a believer in villains. All three characters - there's a grown son as well - see from their own point of view only. We, the audience, can see what they're doing to each other in a way that they cannot. As for your question, 'Why marriage?', surely we all suffer from, or rejoice in, the longing to be known intimately and to be loved faithfully? We use marriage these days as our means to secure ourselves emotionally, and the burden is too great for the frail structure. Alice, at the centre of my play, has simply invested too much. This isn't a fault of marriage, but of her demands on it. Or so I believe. The play is based on my own parents, so maybe I'm too close to it. See what you think. And do note the way the boy begins by thinking it's up to him to help, and slowly comes to realise he too is in need of help. I hope you enjoy it.

Kram C


cultur-ellen sa…
Tack, det var ett intressant svar och bra info inför det att vi ska se pjäsen. Jag har precis börjat läsa den.

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